Analisis Remunerasi, Self Efficacy Dan Etos Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil Politeknik Angkatan Darat Di Malang

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Dyah Sawitri
Harnyoto Harnyoto
Jamal Abdul Naser


Remuneration, Self Efficacy and Work Ethics is one of the important factors in improving performance, especially for Civil Servants in the Army Polytechnic, because with the remuneration factor, high self efficacy and work ethic will make the performance of Civil Servants in the Army Polytechnic become increased anyway. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Remuneration has a significant effect on performance; (2) Self Efficacy has a significant effect on performance; (3) Work Ethic has a significant effect on performance; (4) Remuneration, Self Efficacy and Work Ethic simultaneously have a significant effect on performance; (5) Self Efficacy has a dominant effect on performance.


Keywords: Remuneration, Selg Efficacy, Work Ethics and Performance

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How to Cite
Dyah Sawitri, Harnyoto, H., & Jamal Abdul Naser. (2020). Analisis Remunerasi, Self Efficacy Dan Etos Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil Politeknik Angkatan Darat Di Malang. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Manajemen, 21(1), 57-67. Retrieved from