Pemenfaatan Samartphone sebagai Media Komunikasi Wali Siswa dalam Pembelajaran di PAUD Sabitul Azmi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19


  • Muhammad Asnan Universitas Gajayana Malang


PAUD Sabitul Azmi is one of the educational institutions that in its learning activities utilize smartphones as a medium of communication between student guardians and teachers during the Covid 19 pandemic. The communication message conveyed relates to how information about learning materials, assignments, evaluations and consultations. With the aim of knowing how to use smartphones as a communication medium for students guardians in learning at Paud Sabitul Azmi during the Covid 19 Pandemic, the approach used in this study was qualitative with a descriptive type with informants coming from TPA and PAUD student's guardians.
The results of the study show that the use of smartphones by PAUD Sabitul Azmi's guardians in the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic is carried out using several applications, namely whatsapp, google meet and zoom meeting. Application selection is based on consideration of certain needs. As a result, placing WhatsApp as the most used application. Meanwhile, for google meet and zoom meeting, it is chosen if the learning needs require face-to-face meetings or other needs that require meeting through cyberspace. 

Biografi Penulis

Muhammad Asnan, Universitas Gajayana Malang

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya




