Studi Fenomenologi Daya Tarik Iklan Shampoo Sariayu Hijab

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Rizka Dianfitri Paramita
Dyah Sawitri
Kohar Adi Setia


This research was conducted to analyse and describe about the attractiveness of Sariayu Hijab Shampoo advertisement for female students of State Polytechnic of Malang.This research employed qualitative approach mainly descriptive analysis, the location of research was in State Polytechnic of Malang. The informants used were female students of State Polytechnic of Malang who had watched the advertisement through Youtube. The result of interview was treated as primary data which was used to gain description about the attractiveness of Sariayu Hijab adverstisement. The result shows that the advertisement was used to remind, persuade and inform in the process of developing a product brand image.In addition, hiring Alyssa Soebandono as the brand ambassador of Sariayu Hijab shampoo has been proved to create attractiveness to present choices to consumers to buy the shampoo for hair treatment especially for women who wear hijab. The use of visual elements and picture in the advertisement is a company method to feature the product being introduced to the public. This is in line with the image being developed by the company which is focused on describing an Islamic beauty product as well as a shampoo for women with hijab.Therefore, the use of brand ambassador fits with the image of a beautiful woman who has good personality to attract consumers mainly and finally increase the sale of the shampoo. The use of electronic advertisement by the company has been proved to be effective since it causes consumers buy the product after watching the ad. It shows that the information being delivered to consumers about the advantages of Sariayu Hijab shampoo can be well accepted by public.

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How to Cite
Paramita, R. D., Dyah Sawitri, & Kohar Adi Setia. (2020). Studi Fenomenologi Daya Tarik Iklan Shampoo Sariayu Hijab. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Manajemen, 20(3). Retrieved from


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