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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of which is to test the performance of employee discipline, examine the influence of motivation and performance with the performance of work to test the simultaneous influence between disciplines and motivation on employee performance of employee. Type of analysis data is used Correlation Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression to combine one dependent variable (Y) and independent variables (X1 and X2). The population participate to this study are all the employees that work at the Instituto Nacional de Saúde which totaled 41 responds and all of them were taken by
census. Based on the results obtained by processing the data that there is a positive influence between disciplines working towards the performance of employees at the Instituto Nacional de Saúde because the significance of the coefficient is at 0.12 which is less than 0.0,5 means possible to improve the performance of employees performed work on self discipline any employees. There is a positive influence the motivation of the employee's performance since 0003 a significance value of less than 0.05 with a significance level of 95% and variable discipline and motivation can jointly influence the performance of an employee because the
significance value of 0003 greater than 0.05 the degree of confidence level of 95%.


discipline motivation performance employer

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