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Abstract: Indonesia is an archipelago that consists of thousands of islands and is also a strategic location of Indonesia which is located in the flow of world trade traffic that connects the Asian continent and the Australian continent. Economic growth of a country can not be separated from the growth of various economic fields, one of which is trade. The trading sector which has a focus on exports and imports of various commodities requires distribution, while in distribution transportation facilities are needed. The transportation has an important role in transferring and distributing commodities produced by a country, transportation facilities are very diverse, ranging from land, sea and air transportation, each of which has different advantages and disadvantages. This study aims to determine how the influence of marketing mix on PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia's customer retention. The independent variable in this study is the marketing mix and the dependent variable is customer retention.The research method used in this study is to use an associative research method with a quantitative approach. The target in this study is PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia consumers with incidental sampling types. then the number of samples determined in this study were 59 respondents. The results of testing the hypothesis on the t test or significance test that is the influence of the influence of the marketing mix on PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia's customer retention values

Keywords: Marketing Mix, Customer Retention, PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia's

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How to Cite
Habib, T. N. (2020). BAURAN PEMASARAN DAN CUSTOMER RETENTION : Studi kasus di PT SERASI SHIPPING INDONESIA. Jurnal Akuntansi Indonesia, 13(2), 99-106. Retrieved from