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Kota Blitar is one area in East Java province which has the highest Human Development Index. Despite the relative does not have sufficient resources, an icon of Blitar as the City of Bung Karno significant in moving the economic potential of the city mainly from the service sector and trade. On the other hand the poverty rate of Blitar, increased, from 6.73% in 2012 (the lowest se East Java Province), to 7.39% in 2013. Despite the increase in poverty rates experienced by almost all regencies/cities in East Java, but necessary strategic steps to reduce the number of these achievements. One of the efforts is by measuring the Gini index of Blitar. These measurements are necessary to determine how much the equitable distribution of development, particularly economic equality at the district level in the city of Blitar. In this study has a Gini index of output in the form of Blitar below projections until 2021 and include analysis of the causes of inequality in Kota Blitar, the following recommendations based on the facts available. The result is, the Gini Index in Blitar City is still the medium category with a value of 0.34. Another finding in this study is that the things that are a challenge and a cause of inequality to Kota Blitar is Unemployed University Graduates Who Dominated and inequality will infrastructure Available. This is because the labor force university graduates are
experiencing a shortage of jobs related to the high competitiveness that they had as university graduates. Further equalization related infrastructure, the existing infrastructure in the city of Blitar many centered on the District Kepanjen Kidul.